The purchase of a car is undoubtedly a personal investment and therefore the protection of the car is paramount. In Brunei, cases of car theft have increased and most of them have never been recovered. The decision to protect your investment through car trackers is paying off for many people who have recovered their stolen cars.

Brunei's director of security has said that it is important for car owners to install alarms and trackers on their cars to be able to locate them in the event of theft. They also noted that although security companies cannot guarantee that all stolen vehicles will be recovered, this increases the likelihood of recovering them through trackers.

Car trackers use Global System for Mobile communication (GSM) and General Packet Radio Services (GPRS) technologies to locate cars. Once installed, the car tracker sends a message to the configured cell phone when the car is turned on and its location.

man in white long sleeve shirt driving car

The trackers are available for private cars and for those who have a fleet of cars. The company installs the tracker on the car and then creates an account to track the car. A complete tracker kit costs around USD $75.

Brunei police reports show an increase in car and motorcycle theft, with more than 150 cases reported in the last quarter of 2021. Thieves can easily make copies of car keys and also regularly collude with caretakers to steal cars.

It is important for car owners to demarcate their car routes to avoid fines. In addition, geofencing, whereby a car is notified when it leaves the demarcated route. It is also possible to control the fuel used by a vehicle with a sensor that costs USD $85. 

It is advisable to look for a company that also installs cameras for those who wish to do so. According to Interpol reports, the most stolen car models are Toyota models such as the Land Cruiser, Noah, Super Custom, Premio, and Wish. Almost all of the stolen cars are then sold as contraband in neighboring countries.

If you want to be more informed about this topic, the safety of your car, other ways to track and take care of your car, as well as other maintenance topics, subscribe to to receive news from the world of cars. You will also find the best deals and most affordable prices from dealers in Brunei.